What Does Your Road Map Look Like?

::What Does Your Road Map Look Like?

What Does Your Road Map Look Like?

Tracy Twyman - TransitionsGregory L. Jantz is quoted as saying: Before you can get from where you are to where you want to be you need to have a clear understanding of where you are and how you got there.

I believe he is correct.

If we ignore what has gone before then we remain ignorant of both

  • the negatives that are likely to continue to undermine us AND

  • the positives we could be leveraging (or leveraging even more than we currently are).

Every year it is usual for the media to review what has occurred in the previous 12 months. However, this is also a very good idea for every one of us because it helps us to identify

  • anything that is holding us back, or

  • ideas, opportunities etc. we have allowed to slip away.

But, the usefulness of this exercise goes beyond the last 12 months. What about the last decade?

Looking at a longer time period really highlights the things we repeat year after year after year after … usually to our detriment.

This may seem a very depressing activity, especially with all the Christmas festivities getting under way, but it does allow us to truly examine why things remain outstanding and to then make the decision to

  • either let it go or let go of what is holding us back, and if the latter

  • start doing what we need to do to make it happen in 2018.

Good luck with your review and best wishes for your coming year.

By | 2017-12-06T20:01:25+00:00 Wednesday, 6 December 2017|Personal Development|0 Comments

About the Author:

I created Transitions to enable people like you to utilise my knowledge, skills and experience to fast-track obtaining the results they were seeking.

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