Debs Taylor Hayhurst - Success FactorI recently revisited Napier, the last time being 10 years ago. One of the return visits was to the earthquake museum. The video talked about ‘The Day that Hit the Bay’ and it also referred to Napier as being ‘The town where time stood still’.

This got me thinking about how an event such as an earthquake or other major event in our lives can change us forever and affect us in ways that we don’t even realise until much later.

These events in our lives leave scars, emotional, mental and sometimes physical, which can be seen and felt by us and others.

Napier’s event reduced a city to rubble, killing and hurting many, leaving pain and heartbreak for lots of people. However, in time a new beginning came about, a new city with an Art Deco theme incorporating many cultures across the world.

When we have a major event happening in our lives, we often get hurt and learn to cope with the aftermath. In time we learn to live with what happened and rebuild our lives. We often become almost a new person, a rebirth, that marks that day in time.

Napier is the town where time stood still. We can see that in every street in the CBD and wider surrounding areas.

For us that suffer a difficult time in our lives, we wear the ‘cloak’ of our new persona. People may see that we are different; changed from the person we were, this may be a better or worse person. But it’s our choice. We can learn from these events and traumas in our lives and use the learnings to introduce a new us that is better, focusing on the positive rather than the negative.

What can we learn about ‘The day that hit the bay’ and ‘The town where time stood still’?

  1. Try and find the positive in any major event that happens and consider how you can grow from that experience

  2. Imagine the event as being a new beginning rather than an ending; rebuilding yourself into a new person with a fresh start

  3. Try to leave the ‘baggage’ behind, only remembering the past as the way it was rather than the way it is now, moving on physically and metaphorically

New Year – New Beginnings – Shudder the thought we stay stuck in the day the earth shook for us!