Never let go of a great potential job candidate.

When you have a great potential hire, hire them.

Never let go. Never give up. Never let HR get in the way.

Don’t sit back ‘hoping’ they decide to work with you. When you know they are perfect, hire them. NOW.

I was coaching a CEO today, who said he had a great potential hire. Someone, who he thought they might lose because of something one of the interviewers had said during the final interview. He was hoping they’d decide to take the job. He was going to contact HR to see how the candidate was progressing with their decision.

I jumped on this as a coaching moment, and said “CALL THEM NOW”.

I gave him the old scenario. If you were in a bar as a 20 something, and had your eye on a cute girl who you really liked. Would you walk over to her friend to ask if she liked you. You might. But during those few minutes of weakness, or indecision, what if another guy walked over to talk to the girl you liked while you were ‘waiting’ to see if she liked you. Chances are – you might lose out.

When you’re hiring – HIRE. Business is a full contact sport. Don’t ‘hope’ great people join the company. If you have them in your sights – land them. NOW.