Clinton Selby - Ergostyle" data-" 50w, 66w, 100w, 120w, 200w, 230w, 240w" data-sizes="auto" data-orig-sizes="(max-width: 240px) 100vw, 240px" />Office fit out pitfalls are not always obvious, so we thought we would give you some valuable information to help when you are considering your next move or refurbishment. An office fit out is possibly the largest capital expenditure for a business, getting it right is therefore vital. We have listed the common pitfalls and advice on how to avoid them.

Trying to manage the entire fit out without outside help

  • Not working with a specialist team can result in costly mistakes.
  • Enlist the skills and knowledge of an experienced specialist team.
  • The right team can design a personalised result that will suit your needs.

Thinking all contractors are equal

  • Different people specialise in different areas. Find a team who best suits your needs. You want to work with the best company who will guide you through the planning and implementation of the entire fit out.
  • It is important to check qualifications and previous work.
  • A good team will have a sound knowledge of materials and how they will perform under commercial use.
  • Check the companies experience with ergonomics and sustainability – many companies have little understanding.

Lack of communication

  • The old saying “too many cooks” – ensure you have one single project manager who you can contact directly throughout the project.
  • Work with someone who can explain and plan with both functionality and aesthetics. The right person will be able to convert your ideas into reality.
  • You want someone who can problem solve and provide solutions.
  • Meet regularly to iron out any issues early.

Workplace disruption

  • Obviously, if you are fitting out an existing work area there is going to be some disruption. Working with a good team, who can work evenings and weekends, will keep that disruption to a minimum.
  • Planning and communication are vital here to ensure the likes of the internet and phone lines are down at a time that will cause the least amount of stress.

Going over budget

  • This is always the most dreaded but again with good planning and communication from the beginning, it can be avoided.
  • A good team will ensure the supplier works closely with the Architect during the planning stage. Failure to do this can result in the layout having to change partway through and this adds additional cost to allow for structural or electrical changes.
  • It is a wise idea to build in a contingency budget for unforeseen costs however these cost will be kept to a minimum if those you work with plan, check, double check and communicate with you and all suppliers regularly.

Not meeting regulation/compliance

  • Ensure the team you choose to work with has a good knowledge of The Computer Guidelines. As required as part of the H&S Employment act, check they provide end-user training.
  • A sound Health and Safety knowledge is essential for the wellbeing of your staff and other contractors.

To avoid the pitfalls listen the experts.