How to make the best of those Social Networking spammers

::How to make the best of those Social Networking spammers

How to make the best of those Social Networking spammers

Rebecca Taiaroa - Mortgage Link North CanterburyAs a fledging Mortgage Adviser, and someone who uses Social Media as a part of my marketing strategy, it can go swimmingly well using the likes of Facebook, particularly for those who are Social Media savvy. It’s not my only means of marketing, but an important avenue in this technology driven age.

However, it can, at times, feel like your swimming in a pool of thick treacle, whilst trying to swim backwards.

Take Monday just gone. It was a busy Monday. I have study to complete, I need to catch up on my filing and note writing, and all the other things that go with running a small business. And lo and behold, some totes ridic spammer thought it wise to leave me an unmitigated review on my Facebook page. It was a five star review (makes my fans look) but full of his nonsense about cheap interest rate loans and directing one to his website. I had a few choice words to say about that in my own company. I really hadn’t any time for this, never mind that reviews are really difficult to remove from a Facebook Page…. unless you’re a coding whizz of course.

And to top it off, I received an overseas phone call from some twat wanting to tell me there was something wrong with my computer. Like seriously? So these idiots congregate together to do their darndest to rip people off?

After stressing about it, because I felt completely powerless (well not completely, there are some lovely computer programmers/software developers out there that put their tutorials on you tube on how to sort out blocking people from your facebook page), I thought I would turn this around and use the opportunity, that they ever-so-graciously presented me with, to demonstrate to my clients and fans, what I do know about lending and what makes a great Mortgage Adviser in the land of the long white cloud. It was a prime opportunity to cover off an important topic that most people glaze over  at the mere mention of it – compliance.

Those of us in the financial services industries are aware of the forthcoming proposed legislative changes, and let’s face it, some of the existing legislation and proposed legislation does clunk a little bit.

By | 2016-11-18T12:28:46+00:00 Wednesday, 13 April 2016|Social Media|0 Comments

About the Author:

Mortgage Link opened in late 2015 to provide a Mortgage advice service to the wider Canterbury area as part of the Mortgage Link New Zealand group.

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